Truck Accident – Average Settlement

In the city of San Luis Obispo, a truck accident does not result in an “average settlement.” Each truck accident case is unique, and a personal injury lawyer understands that there are varied circumstances that can have a positive or negative impact on a case. Assuming that an “average settlement” is available and therefore acceptable may be a mistake on the part of a victim who could end up accepting much less than they are entitled to.

Many people have a misconception that there is some sort of calculator used in personal injury or accident cases. While actual costs are certainly considered and caps are in place to limit what people can recover for pain and suffering or emotional distress, there is no one-size-fits-all calculator used by the courts to determine how much compensation a person should receive after an accident. That is not to say that an insurance adjustor won’t attempt to utilize some type of formula before making a settlement offer, but there is no “average” settlement.

A person who has been injured in a truck accident should consult an attorney experienced in accident law before accepting any settlement from an insurance company. An attorney can review the details of the accident and uncover its unique set of circumstances and results. No victim should feel forced to accept a settlement that may not be in their best interest. Because there is no average settlement, an attorney can help a victim determine what may be considered fair in their specific accident case.