In the city of San Luis Obispo, personal injury lawsuits may result from vehicle accidents, workplace accident or even medical error, and both parties in the lawsuit will use evidence in an attempt to prove their case. Evidence is classified into two categories: physical and non-physical.

Physical evidence refers to the evidence that can be seen by a judge or jury. Tangible evidence is that which people can interact with. For example, a jury may be able to visit and touch a wrecked vehicle. They may be able to look at a scar on a defendant. Photographs can also be considered physical evidence. Pictures may be presented of the initial injuries, the direct aftermath of an accident or surgical procedures.

Non-physical evidence is information. This may be presented by expert witnesses or those who saw an incident occur. This evidence is presented as testimony or may be a report written by the police. For example, a police report detailing an accident may be shown to the jury in a car accident case. Testimony from an obstetrician may be given in a birth injury case. Depositions, medical bills, medical records and even receipts may be presented as types of non-physical evidence.

The exact types or amount of evidence presented in a case will be determined by an attorney representing one of the parties. Any person who is filing a lawsuit or defending themselves in one should be forthcoming with their attorney so that the attorney can determine the evidence that will best serve their client.