How to Hire a Lawyer for Your Injury Case

Categories: Personal Injury

If you are hurt in an accident, you may consider filing a lawsuit as a way to recover the money you were forced to spend on medical bills and the repair of your property. You are certainly within your legal rights to do so, but going it alone is rarely a good idea.
Hiring the right attorney for your injury case can be overwhelming, given the number of choices. Here are some ways to finding and hiring the best attorney you can.

1. Talk to People You Know

Chances are that you know someone who has used an attorney. Even if they aren’t a personal injury attorney that you can hire for your own case, they may know one. Attorneys know other attorneys. If your mother used a great attorney for her divorce, phone their office and ask them to recommend a personal injury attorney.

2. Local Bar Association

Let’s say that you don’t want people to know that you are looking for an attorney for whatever reason. Reach out to your local bar association. The bar will have a list of attorneys. Consider, though, that this is only a list of licensed attorneys who are able to practice law near you. It doesn’t mean that they are great lawyers; you will have to research the ones on your list.

3. Look Online

You can find attorneys online within seconds of typing “personal injury attorney” in your search bar. Once you have a listing, you may want to head over to or to look for reviews. You can also look at for a grading scale given to attorneys. While none of these are a guarantee that you will be finding the best fit for you and your unique situation, it is somewhere to start.

4. Consider Size

Some people have it in their head that bigger firms are better and smaller firms don’t have a clue what they are doing. This isn’t so. A large firm may be the way to go if you are suing a major corporation, but you may want to go with a smaller firm if you are suing the driver of the car that hit you.

5. Have a Meeting

Once you have gotten your list down to just a few names, schedule a consultation with each. Most attorneys offer a new client a free consultation. You can attend each of these meetings to get a feel for the attorneys you are considering working with. One may strike you as the best fit.
If you have been injured in San Luis Obispo and need a personal injury lawyer, reach out to our office. We are happy to offer you a no-cost, no-obligation case evaluation and discuss your legal rights and options. We will review your unique case and help you make the best decisions moving forward. Call today to schedule your consultation.