Nigel Whitehead is the senior trial attorney at the Ernst Law Group. He handles primarily complex personal injury matters, his focus and skill centered on the courtroom. With multiple seven-figure verdicts and settlements, and even the highly-prized eight-figure outcome, corporate defendants throughout the state recognize his abilities.

“We don’t make the facts – we make the difference.”
“Being a lawyer who takes a case to a jury is the highest and best use of a lawyer’s skills,” Nigel says. “Nowhere else in the world can an individual stand up to a huge insurance company or corporation and fight for justice. No matter how much money the defense has, or how many lawyers they use, when it comes to the trial only one lawyer for each side stands up to speak to the jury.”
Justice can be sought even in the most difficult of situations.
One example of a seven-figure verdict: There were difficult facts. An injured worker who was rear ended on the freeway. There was little to no visible property damage, and no repair to the vehicle needed. Despite this, Nigel Whitehead sought justice from the defendants who would not pay for the harm they caused. The result? A multi-million dollar verdict. When Nigel Whitehead is on a case, his clients get results.
Nigel also worked on a recent Traumatic Brain Injury case which resulted in a $5.65M verdict.
Nigel’s specialization is on complex and complicated depositions that involve product defects, construction accidents and semi-trucks.
Nigel is a member of the prestigious American Board of Trial Advocates, CAOC (Consumer Attorneys of California), CAALA (Consumer Attorneys Association of Los Angeles), CCTLA (Central Coast Trial Lawyers Association), AAJ (American Association for Justice), and the San Luis Obispo County Bar Association.
Nigel is a past President of the Central Coast Trial Lawyers Association, and is currently the Vice President.
Nigel has been married to his wife Hope for over 23 years and is the proud father of three children, and a proud granddad of his first grandson. He enjoys golf, fishing, bike riding and hiking.
TBI Lectures
TBI Titan – 5.65 Million Verdict from Zero Offer
TBI Titan Tactics – The Setup
TBI Titan Tactics – The Execution
Masters In Trial: Opening Statement
Masters In Trial: Closing Argument
Masters In Trial: Cross Examination
TBI Titan: Brain Injury Frameworks
Craniofacial Injuries
Millennial Jurors – Excellent Jurors
TBI – Dysfluency: Stuttering
Justice Team Podcast: TBI Cases
Spotting the Big Case
Break The Expert Gridlock
TBI And Product Liability
Small TBI cases into Seven Figures
Demystifying TBI
Full TBI lecture list available upon request