After suffering a brain injury, finding the appropriate housing services for brain injury victims can be difficult. If you are trying to decide what the appropriate housing services are for brain injury victims, we hope this page will give you an easy overview of the different services that are available.

  • Living at Home – For many brain injury victims, living at home full-time is often an important recovery goal. Depending on the brain injury suffered, living at home may be relatively easy with some minor adjustments. For others, living at home requires major changes and the support of in-home care providers.
  • Assisted Living Facilities – These facilities can provide short-term or long-term housing for brain injury victims. The choice between long-term and short-term housing often depends on the severity of the injury and the continuing prognosis of the survivor. People residing in assisted living facilities can often do things like cook, clean and take care of their own basic needs, but may need help with the larger duties that go along with managing a home.
  • Adult Foster Homes – These homes are facilities that are licensed to provide personal care and support of individuals with brain injuries or other disabilities. These services are rendered in private homes.
  • Long-Term Care Facilities – For individuals who have significant medical needs but do not need to be hospitalized, long-term care facilities offer medical care around the clock. Despite their name, long-term care facilities can be used as a short-term housing solution as a person recovers from a brain injury and works toward healing and living in a less clinical setting.

A number of the resources provided on our pages on rehabilitation and treatment for brain injury victims offer help with housing choices. Feel free to explore our site further to learn about the different resources available to brain injury victims.