Golf carts are often seen as a fun mode of transportation on and off the golf course. With no windows, no doors and often no seatbelts, golf carts are an enticing way to travel. Unfortunately, the things that make golf carts so appealing to both adults and children are also the things that make them very dangerous.

Golf carts are designed to travel at a relatively low rate of speed and to transport 2 to 6 passengers over short distances. Their relative low cost makes them extremely popular modes of transportation in climates with nice weather. Unfortunately, the lack of safety equipment, and the fact that most states do not require a driver’s license to operate a golf cart, means that golf cart crashes happen frequently and can cause serious brain injuries because of driver inexperience.

Common Injuries in Children involved in Golf Cart Crashes

Children are more inclined than adults to take risks when driving a golf cart. Some risks that can lead to golf cart crashes include:

  • Making sharp turns
  • Driving with more than the recommended number of passengers or exceeding weight limits
  • Driving in unsafe conditions
  • Driving while distracted
  • Hanging arms, legs or other body parts out of the golf cart while it is moving

When golf cart crashes happen and children are involved, they suffer head injuries more often than any other injury. This means that your child’s life can be drastically changed by a momentary lapse in judgment or a lack of experience.

If your child has suffered a brain injury as a result of a golf cart crash, you want an experienced attorney to help you decide if you should pursue a claim against the golf cart operator or owner. Call The Ernst Law Group today to discuss your options and help you decide if pursuing a lawsuit would be appropriate in relation to your child.